Is it possible to wash only dry clean clothes at home? Many of your clothes may be "dry clean only," which you've likely noticed.
Many experts in clothing agree that dry cleaning is used to protect fragile items. It is a form of insurance for clothing manufacturers. How do you know what to do? But what if your clothes start to fall apart?
You should first look carefully at the tag. Does it have the "dry clean" or "dry clean only" tag?
Dry clean only clothes will require special care. A tag that simply says "dry clean" might be okay on delicates in the washer. The second is to look at the material. It will determine which method you should use. Washing cashmere, wools, and silks require a bit more attention.
Dry cleaning is required for velvet, suede, and fur.
A $600 suit or dress is probably not worth the risk. A $40 blouse that costs $10 to dry clean might seem excessive. If you absolutely love the blouse and can't find it anywhere else, it might be worth it.
Some items can be quickly destroyed by traditional washing machines, soap, and water. You should be cautious and reasonable. People love to share horror stories about items breaking apart or victories when they wash the item.
This is probably your best bet, as it's intended for that purpose. These kits can be used at home in the dryer. Follow the instructions on the box.
Amazon has a starter kit for as low as $10-$20. It will include a dry cleaning bag to store your clothes in, a set of laundry boosters, and a set of cleaning clothes. First, you will need a starter pack. Then, you can purchase refill packs for future cleanings. For 8 loads or more, refill kits are often less than $10.
These kits are great value and can save you a lot of money. Dryel is the most well-known, but Woolite makes one as well.
Hand washing is another option. Hand washing can be done in a basin or sink. Add a little Woolite mild detergent to the water.
Before you rush to do a lot, test a small area. You can quickly test the dye to make sure it isn't going to cause any damage. You don't want dye leaking out of your clothes. This task can be accomplished with a cotton swab.
Mix until the water looks sudsy. You can then dip your clothes in the water and gently rub the soiled areas with your fingers.
Once you are confident that your garment is clean, drain the basin or sink and then fill the basin with cold water. You can rinse the item with cold water until it is no longer soapy.
Our passion is cleaning. We are ready to help you make your house and places neat and clean.
We understand that it will be hard to trust a cleaning company. Everybody wants to hire someone who can offer more than what they expect and give a fair price. It is an investment to hire a cleaning service since it is all about taking care of your asset. Entrusting what you have is a big deal, so when you hire a cleaning company, look for their license and customer feedback.
There are many cleaning companies out there, but no one can match our passion and dedication in what we do. We love cleaning for the people in Lethbridge. Once you trust us, we can go beyond your expectations! We will not disappoint you.
1309 7 Ave S Unit# D, Lethbridge, AB T1J 1K9